Ripple Design System


The Breadcrumb component shows a user their location on a website. This allows quick navigation between page levels.


Use breadcrumbs to help users understand where they are within a website’s structure. A breadcrumb shows as a series of links and icons in a line.

A breadcrumb displays the parent page, icons and the current page.

  • Parent page: this links to the page above the current page in the information architecture.
  • Icons: chevrons (v-shaped icons) sitting between the parent and current pages are designed to visualise site hierarchy.
  • Current page: this is the page the user is currently on.

#When and how to use

  • Display the breadcrumb at the top left of a page, below the main navigation but above the page title.
  • Always start the breadcrumb with the parent page.
  • Always end the breadcrumb with the current page.
  • Truncate longer names if you've reached the maximum amount of links.

#When and how not to use

  • The breadcrumb does not replace primary navigation.
  • Do not use the breadcrumb to show progress through a linear journey.

#How the Breadcrumb works

On devices with a page resolution under 768px, the breadcrumb displays the parent link only.


The Breadcrumb uses colour to:

  • represent possible interactions
  • interactive states.

To create your own theme, see theming guidance for designers or theming guidance for developers.

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