Contact us
The Contact us component is a list of contact details and links to help the user get in touch with you.
Use the contact us component to show the user multiple pieces of contact information or actions. The details should be related to the page content and a single point of contact.
Contact us details can include a:
- contact person
- address
- phone number
- social media account.
#When and how to use
- Provide users with additional contact details relevant to the page.
- Display any combination of physical and postal addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and common social media accounts.
- Display in the sidebar of the page.
#When and how not to use
- If you add social media accounts to the contact us component, don’t add the social share component.
- Never use unrelated contact details or social media accounts.
Contact us uses colour for:
- visual prominence for key information
- link icons.
To create your own theme see theming guidance for designers or theming guidance for developers.
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