The Button component helps a user to carry out an action.
Use a button to indicate an action a user can take and to let them start carrying it out. Button labels say what action will occur when the user interacts with it.
Only use a button when the page has a call to action. Don't use buttons when sending users to other locations on the page or to other pages or sites.
#When and how to use
- Highlight a key call to action.
- So long as it also helps users carry out its identified action, a button can link to internal and external pages.
- Add to any basic content component.
- Use verbs in the button label, for example, 'Submit now', 'Cancel booking', etc.
#When not to use
- Limit primary buttons to one per page.
- Don't use more than 4 words in the button label.
- Avoid using inactive buttons.
Limit using buttons to one per page. The more you use them, the less a user will notice them.
Buttons are styled for their specific purposes. Button variants include:
- filled
- outlined
- white
- elevated
- destructive.
- Use the filled variant for primary actions, known as calls to action.
- Use the primary colour.
- Don't use more than one filled button per page.
- A page should only have one call to action, otherwise they lose impact.
- Having more than one also results in a dilemma of choice for the user.
- The outlined variant is for secondary actions.
- Like the filled variant, don't use more than one outlined button.
- If you find you're adding lots of secondary buttons, you may need to simplify your content.
- The white variant is for tertiary actions when an action is less prominent.
- It should be obvious that it is lower priority than primary or secondary buttons.
- The white variant is styled with an underline by default, to align with links.
- This helps meet accessibility requirements and is consistent with other link types.
- The elevated variant acts as a 'back-to-the-top' button.
- We've added elevation to show the where the button will sit as a 'layer' on the page (its CSS z-index value).
- Use the destructive variant for destructive actions, such as permanently deleting information, across the site.
- The destructive variant has a semantic meaning and uses semantic colour.
- Destructive buttons only work if not used often.
- It’s uncommon for most sites to need one.
- Only use the destructive variant if an action has destructive consequences because they are not easy to undo.
Never rely on colour only to communicate a serious action. For example, don't rely on red only as a warning to the user. Some users cannot see all colours and will miss meaning. What will happen when the user clicks the button must be obvious from context button text.
#Loading spinner
Loading spinners are used to indicate to users that an action is being processed. Spinners animate as soon as the user initiates an action and disappear once content shows.
A user may double-click a button because:
- their main operating system uses double click
- they have a slow connection which results in delayed action feedback
- they click the button by accident due to motor impairments like hand tremors.
Clicking a button twice can mean the information gets sent 2 times.
Try to show the user that their click has worked. For example, show a loading spinner once they've clicked.
When a button is in the loading state, the button label is hidden and a spinner is shown in its place. The button will keep the same width it had when the text was visible.
Buttons can be themed in the following 2 ways:
- site colour palette
- neutral colour palette.
#Site theme
To create your own theme see theming guidance for designers or theming guidance for developers.
#Neutral theme
Implemented at a site level, the neutral buttons have predefined neutral colour values. You are unable to edit or customise these colours.
There is no filled button variant available if you use the neutral theme. Buttons will automatically display as the next level down of button styling. For example, you'll use the outlined button variant for the neutral theme.
To enhance visual weight and aim to confirm with WCAG 2.0 Criterion 1.4.1, Ripple buttons use underlined text by default on white buttons.
This underline shows users there is an interaction that they can perform.
1.4.1 Use of Color: Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element. (Level A)
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