Ripple Design System

Our design principles

There are 4 design principles that are the foundation of the Ripple Design System.

There are 4 design principles that underpin the Ripple Design System:

  • Inclusive.
  • Efficient.
  • Flexible.
  • Easy.

The Ripple Design System uses these principles when making design decisions.


  • Accessibility is top priority.
  • Collaborative in design.
  • Transparent documentation.
  • Friendly, helpful and trustworthy.

Include all users, abilities and backgrounds in the process and design intent.

Support best practices, provide guidance and build trust with the community.


  • Less is more.
  • Clean and clear.
  • Considered.
  • Economic design.

Think holistically to create considered sustainable outcomes that make sense to all users.

Increase efficiencies while reducing complexities and risks.


  • Responsive to data.
  • Responsive to sub-brands.
  • Considers context.
  • Iterative improvements.

Use meaningful evidence to improve impact and add value.

Find improvement opportunities that elevate the experience for multiple contexts and end users.


Easy to:

  • contribute to
  • learn and understand
  • create and recreate
  • find information.

Consider the needs and experiences of end users of Victorian digital products.

Make the Ripple experience easy to use. Create experiences and contribute to the design system with end users in mind.

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