Ripple Design System


The visual representation of and the Victorian Government.

The logo is the primary logo used in the design system. logo

#Clear space

The clear space for the logo is 100% of the height of the ‘V’ across all applications.

Clear space visual


Where the logo appears next to another logo, it should be:

  • centred vertically
  • separated by a minimum distance of 16px
  • separated by a divider line.

Co-branded visual


The logo should be 16px in height on all screens.

No modification

Don't change the logo. This includes changing its colour, adding effects, or altering its shape.

This helps to maintain the integrity and consistency of the logo.


Always add alternative text to the logo. This is for screen reader users.

The Victorian State Government logo is the secondary logo used in the design system. It’s used in the footer.

Victoria State Government logo

#Clear space

The clear space for the Victorian State Government logo is at least 20% the height.

Clear space visual


Where the Victorian State Government logo appears next to another logo, it should be:

  • centred vertically
  • separated by a distance of at least 50% the height of the Victorian State Government logo.

Co-branded visual


The Victorian State Government logo should be 42px in height on all screens.

Use the Victorian State Government logo where size permits. But, at times, we need to use a smaller logo depending on the application:

  • VIC only logo (favicons only).

We've designed these logos to ensure accessibility and clarity at all sizes.

See primary navigation and footer for size requirements.

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